Update on mural project

18 03 2010

Since my last post, I’ve been busy creating prototypes to determine what images I will use as murals for the two galleries. I’ve decided to concentrate on a water theme since Richland College, which is located on a lake, has been concerned about sustaining nature, and conservation of natural resources.

The murals for the galleries are to be 3-D reliefs.

The most current idea is a wave theme for one of the galleries from the following drawing:

wave drawing

I then created this 1/3 scale model for the prototype:

scale model of wave

I’m now working on a full-scale model (3′ x 9′). Here are a couple of photos of the model in my studio as I am beginning to make it.

wave 81

wave detail

The other gallery’s theme centers around the changing interaction of humans with nature. I wanted to show the transition of mankind’s relationship with water from the past to the present. In the past, humans lived around a water source, today, they can live almost anywhere, as the water is conveniently transported to them.

As I chose to make this mural a triptych I created the following images. The left panel comes from this watercolor:carved left panelleft panel


Which I interpreted in the following carving:

The middle from this digital print I created:


Which translate to the following carving:

carved middle panel

Finally, I chose to do this vector print for the right panel:

right panel

Which interprets as:

carved right panel

The total mural prototype looks like this:

completed carved triptych prototype

After completing this prototype, I became curious about the depth that could be utilized. I then carved a scale model of the center panel using twice the thickness of material. The effect is shown in this next photos.

deep carved peasant

with a detail of the hands:

deep carved peasant-detail

And now, I’ve got to get back to carving on the full-sized wave prototype, which will be THREE TIMES THE THICKNESS!!!!! Until next time……

16 01 2010

This is one of the two locations for to be converted into new gallery spaces at Richland College. I am currently working on some signage designs for above the opening.

Below is a photo of one of the spaces as it exists presently.

Below are a couple of designs that I am currently developing for approval.

I took one of the images, and inserted it into a couple of site photos to evaluate the scale, and to provide a visual for the approving body. This is what I started to work with.

This is the carving of the drawing above, made from MDF.

In some of the prototypes a higher degree of 3-dimensional effects are used, as in the following detail shots.